Think you may be pregnant?
If you think you may be pregnant and don’t have insurance or Medicaid coverage, you don’t need to walk through this time of uncertainty alone. At Hope Women’s Center, our team will verify your results quickly and confidentially, and can provide you with the documentation needed for you to submit to apply for Pregnancy Medicaid.
Our team will also walk alongside you by providing accurate information on what options you have so you feel supported and empowered to make an educated decision.

Questions About Pregnancy
If you are sexually active, you can get pregnant even if you are using contraceptives. While there are many symptoms associated with being pregnant, it’s important to have a diagnosis from a medical professional. With an appointment, we can provide a lab-quality pregnancy test at no cost to you. If your test is positive, our nurse may offer you a limited OB ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy. No matter your situation, we are here for you.
Some early symptoms of pregnancy include:
1. Missed Period
2. Swollen/Tender Breasts
3. Fatigue/Tiredness
4. Nausea/Morning Sickness
5. Frequent Urination
6. Darkening of Nipples
7. Food Cravings or Food Aversions
The HCG hormone doubles every 2-3 days during early pregnancy and peaks at 8-11 weeks from the first day of the last period. If you received a negative pregnancy test and have still not started your period, schedule an appointment to receive a lab-quality, 99%-accurate test and understand your options.
You don’t have to face this alone.
Experience our supportive, compassionate care.